private Object[] _array;
private int _head; // First valid element in the queue
private int _tail; // Last valid element in the queue
private int _size; // Number of elements.
private int _growFactor; // 100 == 1.0, 130 == 1.3, 200 == 2.0
private int _version;
private Object _syncRoot;
private const int _MinimumGrow = 4;
private const int _ShrinkThreshold = 32;
// Adds obj to the tail of the queue.
public virtual void Enqueue(Object obj) {
if (_size == _array.Length) {
int newcapacity = (int)((long)_array.Length * (long)_growFactor / 100);
if (newcapacity < _array.Length + _MinimumGrow) {
newcapacity = _array.Length + _MinimumGrow;
_array[_tail] = obj;
_tail = (_tail + 1) % _array.Length;
// PRIVATE Grows or shrinks the buffer to hold capacity objects. Capacity
// must be >= _size.
private void SetCapacity(int capacity) {
Object[] newarray = new Object[capacity];
if (_size > 0) {
if (_head < _tail) {
Array.Copy(_array, _head, newarray, 0, _size);
} else {
Array.Copy(_array, _head, newarray, 0, _array.Length - _head);
Array.Copy(_array, 0, newarray, _array.Length - _head, _tail);
_array = newarray;
_head = 0;
_tail = (_size == capacity) ? 0 : _size;
internal volatile T[] m_array;
internal volatile VolatileBool[] m_state;
//pointer to the next segment. null if the current segment is the last segment
private volatile Segment m_next;
internal readonly long m_index;
private volatile int m_low;
private volatile int m_high;
private volatile ConcurrentQueue<T> m_source;
//fields of ConcurrentQueue
private volatile Segment m_head;
private volatile Segment m_tail;
private T[] m_serializationArray; // Used for custom serialization.
private const int SEGMENT_SIZE = 32;
//number of snapshot takers, GetEnumerator(), ToList() and ToArray() operations take snapshot.
internal volatile int m_numSnapshotTakers = 0;
public void Enqueue(T item)
SpinWait spin = new SpinWait();
while (true)
Segment tail = m_tail;
if (tail.TryAppend(item))
internal bool TryAppend(T value)
//quickly check if m_high is already over the boundary, if so, bail out
if (m_high >= SEGMENT_SIZE - 1)
return false;
//Now we will use a CAS to increment m_high, and store the result in newhigh.
//Depending on how many free spots left in this segment and how many threads are doing this Increment
//at this time, the returning "newhigh" can be
// 1) < SEGMENT_SIZE - 1 : we took a spot in this segment, and not the last one, just insert the value
// 2) == SEGMENT_SIZE - 1 : we took the last spot, insert the value AND grow the segment
// 3) > SEGMENT_SIZE - 1 : we failed to reserve a spot in this segment, we return false to
// Queue.Enqueue method, telling it to try again in the next segment.
int newhigh = SEGMENT_SIZE; //initial value set to be over the boundary
//We need do Interlocked.Increment and value/state update in a finally block to ensure that they run
//without interuption. This is to prevent anything from happening between them, and another dequeue
//thread maybe spinning forever to wait for m_state[] to be true;
{ }
newhigh = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_high);
if (newhigh <= SEGMENT_SIZE - 1)
m_array[newhigh] = value;
m_state[newhigh].m_value = true;
//if this thread takes up the last slot in the segment, then this thread is responsible
//to grow a new segment. Calling Grow must be in the finally block too for reliability reason:
//if thread abort during Grow, other threads will be left busy spinning forever.
if (newhigh == SEGMENT_SIZE - 1)
//if newhigh <= SEGMENT_SIZE-1, it means the current thread successfully takes up a spot
return newhigh <= SEGMENT_SIZE - 1;
第一个if判断当前Segment是不是满了。为什么要这样判断呢?假设现在队尾的Segment已经有31个元素了,而此时有两个线程同时访问Enqueue方法。那么可能发生如下情况:第一个线程插入了一个元素,这样当前Segment已经满了,进行扩容(参见try-finally块里的判断,至于为什么要写在finnally可以看注释,主要是保证这些操作一次性执行完,不会被打断或中止);第二个线程可能得到的tail仍然是这个满的段。所以如果发生这种情况,return false,这样Enqueue方法就可以尝试获得新的队尾的段。
public bool TryDequeue(out T result)
while (!IsEmpty)
Segment head = m_head;
if (head.TryRemove(out result))
return true;
//since method IsEmpty spins, we don't need to spin in the while loop
result = default(T);
return false;
internal bool TryRemove(out T result)
SpinWait spin = new SpinWait();
int lowLocal = Low, highLocal = High;
while (lowLocal <= highLocal)
//try to update m_low
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_low, lowLocal + 1, lowLocal) == lowLocal)
//if the specified value is not available (this spot is taken by a push operation,
// but the value is not written into yet), then spin
SpinWait spinLocal = new SpinWait();
while (!m_state[lowLocal].m_value)
result = m_array[lowLocal];
// If there is no other thread taking snapshot (GetEnumerator(), ToList(), etc), reset the deleted entry to null.
// It is ok if after this conditional check m_numSnapshotTakers becomes > 0, because new snapshots won't include
// the deleted entry at m_array[lowLocal].
if (m_source.m_numSnapshotTakers <= 0)
m_array[lowLocal] = default(T); //release the reference to the object.
//if the current thread sets m_low to SEGMENT_SIZE, which means the current segment becomes
//disposable, then this thread is responsible to dispose this segment, and reset m_head
if (lowLocal + 1 >= SEGMENT_SIZE)
// Invariant: we only dispose the current m_head, not any other segment
// In usual situation, disposing a segment is simply seting m_head to m_head.m_next
// But there is one special case, where m_head and m_tail points to the same and ONLY
//segment of the queue: Another thread A is doing Enqueue and finds that it needs to grow,
//while the *current* thread is doing *this* Dequeue operation, and finds that it needs to
//dispose the current (and ONLY) segment. Then we need to wait till thread A finishes its
//Grow operation, this is the reason of having the following while loop
spinLocal = new SpinWait();
while (m_next == null)
Contract.Assert(m_source.m_head == this);
m_source.m_head = m_next;
return true;
//CAS failed due to contention: spin briefly and retry
lowLocal = Low; highLocal = High;
}//end of while
result = default(T);
return false;
internal bool TryPeek(out T result)
result = default(T);
int lowLocal = Low;
if (lowLocal > High)
return false;
SpinWait spin = new SpinWait();
while (!m_state[lowLocal].m_value)
result = m_array[lowLocal];
return true;
lowLocal = Low语句将此时的队首指针记录(因为别的线程可能在进行出队操作,Low可能会发生改变)。
public int Count
//store head and tail positions in buffer,
Segment head, tail;
int headLow, tailHigh;
GetHeadTailPositions(out head, out tail, out headLow, out tailHigh);
if (head == tail)
return tailHigh - headLow + 1;
//head segment
int count = SEGMENT_SIZE - headLow;
//middle segment(s), if any, are full.
//We don't deal with overflow to be consistent with the behavior of generic types in CLR.
count += SEGMENT_SIZE * ((int)(tail.m_index - head.m_index - 1));
//tail segment
count += tailHigh + 1;
return count;
private void GetHeadTailPositions(out Segment head, out Segment tail,
out int headLow, out int tailHigh)
head = m_head;
tail = m_tail;
headLow = head.Low;
tailHigh = tail.High;
SpinWait spin = new SpinWait();
//we loop until the observed values are stable and sensible.
//This ensures that any update order by other methods can be tolerated.
while (
//if head and tail changed, retry
head != m_head || tail != m_tail
//if low and high pointers, retry
|| headLow != head.Low || tailHigh != tail.High
//if head jumps ahead of tail because of concurrent grow and dequeue, retry
|| head.m_index > tail.m_index)
head = m_head;
tail = m_tail;
headLow = head.Low;
tailHigh = tail.High;